About Adam Clarke
Artist | Digital Alchemist | Minecraft Creator
Image-making isn't just something I do; it's a core part of who I am. Whether a hastily scribbled sketch on a notepad or a detailed landscape in a virtual world, each piece is a fragment of my endless dialogue with the world around me.
I explore themes of change and impermanence.
In the evolving landscape of contemporary art, I find excitement in the 'new.' The same fascination that led me to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality has driven me to experiment with Generative AI. Yet, I also find joy in traditional art forms; life drawing, for instance, has been a rediscovered passion. I relish the alchemical process of blending various mediums, not being too precious but thoroughly enjoying the act of creation.

Recent Projects
Tidal Algorithms: A series of unreliable Polaroids co-created with AI, exploring the symbiosis between the organic and the digital.
The Circle RemainsĀ A multimedia project examining the enduring symbolism of the Circle across landscapes and life.

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